* - Once the area is choosen you may not leave it while playing the game
* - No hiding inside of walls\boxes (Your Full Body Must Show)
* - No saying "I See You!"
* - Either Choose The Option Of Names\Guilds\Ranks On Or Off (Show Or Dont Show)
- Fun W\o Names, you can hide by standing at npc's
* - All must stay on same channel no swapping channels.
Additional Rules:
* - If there is more than 2 people playing here are special rules you may choose to use or may not.
#1 - choose 1 seeker(person finding the hiders)
#2 - have everyone else hide
#3 - when they all say they have found their hiding spots. you start looking.
#4 - First Person Found Is Automatically The Next Seeker For Next Round (Exception #5)
#5 - Last person found gets a VIP pass and that pass can be used if you are found first on the next round or any round fallowing that you do not use it.
#6 - If you have a VIP pass and you get found first and you choose to use the VIP pass then the 2nd person found is choosen.
If any1 else has Idea's Or Additional Rules Please Feel Free To Add Them!